Sunday, April 27, 2014

soccer fields

Giant grasshopper type critter with sensible camoflauge.

That wonderful starry sky aparently disappeared and was replaced with rain clouds in the middle of the night so we hastily threw our fly over the tent, but got quite drenched in the process.  It rained quite vigorously and surprisingly in the middle of the night, so we got quite wet throwing our rain fly on the tent. With quite damp things in the morning we started cycling again, starting, again, quite late due to needing to lessen the moisture on our tents.

We cycled about 3 km, and stopped for lunch at a Costa Rican soda shop, which there version of a comedor. Again we paid too much, though not as bad as the first day where a fried chicken combo had been $7. Started riding again and had on and off rain and rather hilly countryside.We stopped at a large fruit stand, bought big mangos and tried a fruit that looks like a just forming coconut, but it is red and has to be boiled for an hour becoming soft and tasting like a chestnut.

Waited over an hour for a downpour to end and was served coffee by one of the super friendly employees. Once we started out we immediately saw toucans in the trees and flying. They are very recognizable as they flap their wings with great enthusiasm so as to not take a nose dive because their beaks are so big. 

Riding only 25km due to the rain, we ended the day by asking some locals if we could camp outside their church or soccer field. Either was fine, and we decided the shelter of the soccer facility was better than the small covered areas of the church doors. It rained once again in the night, but not before we had a chance to hang quite a few things up to dry, and harvest a ton of coconuts to eat. Yum!

Drying our things after an unexpected rain

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