Monday, October 7, 2013

Westport Union Landing State Beach

October 7th, 
Leaving Richardson Grove it was time to start the ride of the highest hills yet peaking at 2000 feet.  We sarted at around 1000 feet and went up and down for some time before reaching Leggett.  Here we took the turnoff to Highway 1 and started up the giant hill.  It was a 4 mile hill at 7% grade.  Rigel and I started out before Bryan and Maggie but they caught up sometime in the middle.  I guess even my lowest gears are no match for the speedy Bryan.  It was a windy uneventful top of the hill as it did not have any viewpoint but all the same we made lunch (turkey sandwiches and energy bar)and then headed down the hill.  It was a different sort of hill than the ones we had been on.  Starting off it was quite steep and curving, then it turned to crazy switchbacks where you had to slow right down in order to take the turn, then flattened right out and went uphill forcing you into a low gear, then a crazy downhill again.  It was like a roller coaster but without the bit of safety from being in a regularly maintained machine. To follow that big hill was a nice big hill to end the day.  It was about 700 feet.  Rigel was just pooped by the end of it.  It was like the hill that never ends. Steep switchback after steep switchback.  But we got through it and at the bottom was greeted with a beatiful view of the ocean.  With the raging wind at our backs we made our way to Westport Union Landing State Beach.  It was a lovely $3 per person, with the best campground view of the ocean you could want and friendly neighbours.

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