Friday, October 25, 2013


October 25, 2013.
Our trip plan book is a common one, our trip is too.  So you'd think we would see the same folks over and over.  Certainly we've have some good times with some folks: Oli, Amie, Jim, Marlene... One fellow however has dogged us since Washington.  George Cheribus from Athens started his journey the day after us in Vancouver, we met him first at Twin Harbors, then again at Big Sur (I know, big gap!) and more recently at Lompoc.  And here, again, he is in the same place at Refugio.  Why is this a rarity?  A couple reasons.  First, we are not at the "conclusion" of a book day.  Which is to say, the book describes certain places as reasonable starts and stops that would provide a good day of cycling, time for the sights, and a nice place to lay your head.  Neither Lompoc nor Refugio are such places.  Second, we are going bloody slow. The book describes 50-70 mile days, while we usually do a 30-50 mile day.  More so lately since we have given ourselves a schedule for getting to San Diego to meet Bryan's parents and get a ride down to Phoenix.
But George has a week left, and is flying out of LA, which is relatively close.  So he's going very slow.  Which is just our speed!  We stopped for lunch at Refugio, and got stuck we told him.  It's true.  Refugio is a gorgeous combination of deafening surfside camping, sun, cliff views, and palm trees.  While setting up camp, a camping neighbour gives us each a bottle of beer.  Given the generosity, even Erin partakes.  We spend the afternoon laying around on the beach, and Erin paints the scene.  Children, beach umbrellas, surfers, ans sunshine.  Wonderful!

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