Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Ej-Valle Tranquilo

From the hotel we made our way to Vicente Guerrero to get some groceries from calimax on some nicely greased chains. We were greated by a parade in the streets as it was some sort of a holiday (in the middle of the week too!) As we rode by the people in the streets cheered us on making us feel like celebrities! The terrain was nice and flat and we had the wind behind us so we just flew down the road.  We had sandwiches in San Quintin on the side of the road in a park like setting for lunch.  Even though it had trees it wasen't very sheltered from the wind and dust.  Carrying on from there it was a nice ride on easy terrain and after ascending a hill we got to see the ocean again.  Every time we get back to the coast its like seeing the ocean for the first time.  So beautiful! We made it to the extremely small town of Ej-Valle Tranquilo and looked for camping.  There was a man hanging outside the little store who spoke a bit of english and offered his yard to set up our tents in. It was just down the road a kilometer so we accepted.  His house was still under construction but it gave us a wall to set our tents behind to get out of the wind.  We made some dinner and went to bed around 7 or so. Nice and late.

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